ISO 17025 Accreditation Hierarchy
Here is the Accreditation Hierarchy for ISO/IEC 17025 in chart form.
ILAC is the governing body for the Regional Accreditation Cooperation entities. The Accreditation Bodies are recognized through the Regional Accreditation Cooperation entities.
Accreditation Hierarchy for ISO/IEC 17025
- ILAC Global oversight entity for ISO/IEC 17025
- ILAC establishes the global standards and requirements for accreditation.
- APLAC and IAAC Asia Pacific and Inter-American Accreditation Cooperation
- Regional Accreditation Cooperation entities recognize accreditation bodies through the Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA).
- ANAB, A2LA or other AB Representative accreditation body
- Accreditation Bodies accredit testing or calibration laboratories to the ISO/IEC 17025 standard.
- AB Customers Laboratories seeking accreditation
- Laboratories that provide testing or calibration services to customers.
17025 store is here to help you become an accredited laboratory. We have designed products and helpful tools in order for you to achieve accreditation, check out our ISO 17025 Accreditation Packages